phpdisk v6.5问题集中贴,更新中[20120611更新]!!
本帖最后由 dmgy 于 2012-6-11 12:36 编辑6.5后台“系统工具”“语言模板”点击后出现如下:
CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.
2.用户 的共享文件在点击用户时看不到,就算是该用户已经共享了文件!
3.后台-“语言模板”-“语言包管理"出现“replace into pd_langslang_nameactived values ”错误:
replace into pd_langs(lang_name,actived) values ;
MySQL Info: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Code: 1064
PHPDisk error!] select file_id,file_key,file_name,file_extension,file_size,file_time,server_oid,file_store_path,file_real_name,is_image,u.username from pd_files fl,pd_users u where fl.userid=u.userid and is_public=0 and fl.userid='1' and in_recycle=0 and (file_name like '%154%' or file_extension like '%154%') order by file_id desc limit ,20
MySQL Info: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '20' at line 1
Error Code: 1064
似乎是语法错误,难道是MYSQL版本的问题!? 同样的问题。。。。。。 知道的,补丁这两天会放出